Dear Friends
We are happy to announce the release of our new album, “It Is Right to Rebel.” The album is on vinyl, a double-LP, and is a collection of 15 songs recorded in 2021. Originally, it was to be released in December 2021 but shortages of vinyl delayed the pressing until now. By following the various links listed below, you can access samples of the music, videos of the band performing and you can order a copy direct from the distributor. If you have any questions for Mat and Yvonne, you can contact us through this website.
Press Kit
High quality versions of all the tracks and videos, press photos, high resolution cover art, a pdf of the insert and a text document with release information and credits. To the downloads
To Order
• Scandinavia
• Europe and the rest of the world
• North America
Also Available
We’ll be selling the album both digitally and physically on Bandcamp. There are already four singles (6 tracks) including videos available for purchase. The whole album (both digital and physical) will be available 07/29/2022. Meanwhile enjoy these tracks.